
程式名稱該不該依照各國家與使用地區的語言翻出,一直是見仁見智的問題... Sven-S. Porst 寫了兩篇與 OS X 在對應用程式名稱進行本地化相關的文章:
At least with the way the Mac (and probably any other computer) uses files and file names today, localised application names mean that there is a disconnect between the ‘actual’ name for a file and the name displayed for it.
Apple 對於翻譯應用程式名稱,似乎沒有一套標準或該不該翻譯的規定,抑或者這可讓使用者自定;那 FileMaker 若把 Bento 翻出來會不會比較好?便當?飯包?飯盒?...
link 1: Localised application names, German application names (Sven-S. Porst)
link 2: Localizing Your Application Name (ADC)