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可可亞記帳簿 CCC

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Universal此 CCC 非彼 CCC,而是 CoCoaCash,它是專為麥金塔電腦打造的個人財務管理程式,可讓您記錄個人財務狀況,透過各種條件,如金額、財務類別、現金型態、名目或交易的各項欄位來進行搜尋。


  • Virtually unlimited Undo/Redo feature
  • Manages several accounts, categories
  • Sofisticated search feature: Filter by title, description, amount, category, type or 'any'
  • Document-oriented: one document for each user
  • Categories: Describes the area of a transaction [e.g. car, home,...]
  • Types: Describes the financial type of a transaction [e.g. money order, credit card]
  • cocoacash_window.jpg

    若要使用 CoCoaCash 的話,您的系統必須是 OS X 10.4 或更新版本,目前此程式仍是免費的,且為 Universal Binary 程式,可在 Intel-based 與 PPC-based 上使用。不過對我們這兒的使用者來說,有個致命傷,目前似乎僅支援美元的幣別...。先記在腦海中 :-)

    Currently, USD is the only supported currency

    link: CoCoaCash (official page)

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