Boot Camp 1.1 beta 釋出

Boot Camp
Apple 釋出 Boot Camp 1.1 beta,此次的版本包含了不少更新;例如,支援最新款的 Intel-based 麥金塔電腦、使用預置的大小設定更容易進行分割、可在任何內接磁碟安裝 Windows XP、支援 iSight、支援內建麥克風、改善 Apple 鍵盤的支援...等等。

Boot Camp 網頁提供了更新方式的說明:安裝此新版的 Boot Camp、燒錄驅動程式 CD,然後切換到 Windows 進行安裝。
You don't need to partition your hard drive again (unless you want to change its size) or reinstall your Macintosh and Windows software or documents, but it's very important to update the Boot Camp Assistant software, create a new Macintosh Drivers for Windows CD and install the updated software it contains on Windows XP.
link: Apple - Boot Camp (apple)
Posted by: tang on August 16, 2006 8:03 PM
Posted by: tang on August 17, 2006 1:00 PM
Posted by: tang on August 20, 2006 11:45 PM
Posted by: TSAY on September 28, 2006 1:44 AM