用 Dockless 節省 Dock 空間

您在 Dock 上擺了太多應用程式嗎?或者,您沒有大型的寬螢幕來容納那些圖像?Dockless 是您需要的小巧程式。您可用來隱藏應用程式圖像,以及顯示某些 Dock 上隱藏的應用程式。
聽起來還不錯,不過它有一個缺陷,它也會隱藏該程式的選單列,而 Command-Tab 的快速鍵也無法切換到該應用程式。Dockless 的主要用意是著重以視窗功能或狀態項目為主的應用程式 (如 NewsFire...),這類應用程式通常其選單列或 Dock 並不是最重要的。有些程式老是佔著 Dock 位置也不是辦法... :)
There's one big catch - not only does Dockless remove applications from the Dock, but it also has the side effect of removing the application menu bar for that application. This isn't Dockless' fault; this is the way Apple set up the system. Therefore, before using Dockless on any apps, make sure you have a way to access menu bar functionality without being able to see the menu bar. It is technically possible to do this:This works even though the menu bar is hidden. Dockless is really intended for apps which provide functionality through a window or status item, and where the menu bar or dock isn't as important.
- Click on an application window
- Hit a key combo
- Have the application respond
link: Dockless (official site, by Humongous Elephants and Tigers)
Posted by: Martina Shih on July 22, 2006 2:12 PM
You can use Dockless to turn back the Adium icon display.
Posted by: Antony Shen
on July 22, 2006 7:28 PM