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Mac OS X turns 9


Mac OS X X X X X

The first public version of Mac OS X (v10.0) was released nine years ago today. Actually, the Mac OS X Server 1.0 was released two years earlier (March 1999), although it did not look anywhere similar to the OS X Aqua interface, it was based on OPENSTEP (NeXTSTEP).

Each Mac OS X has a cat name, here is the order:
Cheetah (10.0), Puma (10.1), Jaguar (10.2), Panther (10.3), Tiger (10.4), Leopard (10.5), Snow Leopard (10.6).

Over those years, Apple provided Classic Environment to help users continue to use applications written for Mac OS 9, and Carbon API to help developers to provide backward compatibility for now-obsolete Mac OS 8 and 9. Later, Apple provided Rosetta for users to run applications written for PowerPC architecture, and University Binary to help developers to have applications run natively on both PowerPC and Intel based Macs.


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