Mac OS X 10.6.2 修復訪客帳號問題

Apple 為 Mac OS X 'Snow Leopard' v10.6 釋出了第二次的重要更新。10.6.2 的版本包括訪客帳號臭蟲的修復、字體相關問題的修復以及其他與作業系統相關的問題修復,可提升系統運行的穩定性、相容性及安全性。
Mac OS X v10.6.2 更新項目同時提供一般用戶端版本 (Mac OS X) 與伺服器版本 (Mac OS X Server) 供 Mac OS X 'Snow Leopard' 使用。
About Mac OS X v10.6.2 Update The 10.6.2 Update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Snow Leopard and includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac, including fixes for:an issue that might cause your system to logout unexpectedly
a graphics distortion in Safari Top Sites
Spotlight search results not showing Exchange contacts
a problem that prevented authenticating as an administrative user
issues when using NTFS and WebDAV file servers
the reliability of menu extras
an issue with the 4-finger swipe gesture
an issue that causes Mail to quit unexpectedly when setting up an Exchange server
Address Book becoming unresponsive when editing
a problem adding images to contacts in Address Book
an issue that prevented opening files downloaded from the Internet
Safari plug-in reliability
general reliability improvements for iWork, iLife, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, MobileMe, and iDisk
an issue that caused data to be deleted when using a guest account
For detailed information on this update, please visit this website: .
Mac OS X v10.6.2 更新項目可從 Apple 支援的下載項目網頁或透過系統內建的 Apple 軟體更新來取得。
About Mac OS X Server v10.6.2 Update The 10.6.2 update is recommended for all servers currently running Snow Leopard Server version 10.6 and includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility and security of your server, as well as specific fixes for:adding and removing imported users in Server Preferences
synchronizing Portable Home Directory content
using iCal web interface within select time zones
previewing and capturing dual-source video in Podcast Capture
server-side filtering of incoming mail messages
using chained digital certificates for mail services
creating images with System Image Utility
automating installation of NetRestore images
preventing brute force password attacks
using sudo command with authenticated Open Directory binding
binding to Active Directory domains with invalid service records
creation of mobile accounts for Active Directory users
correcting a problem that would cause the Software Update cache to grow excessively
For detailed information about this update, please visit this website: .
Mac OS X Server v10.6.2 更新項目可從 Apple 支援的下載項目網頁或透過系統內建的 Apple 軟體更新來取得。
Apple 同時也對 Mac OS X Leopard (v.10.5.8) 的使用者提供安全性更新 Security Update 2009-006。