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iPhone SDK 2.2.1

Apple 釋出 iPhone 軟體開發套件更新版本 iPhone SDK 2.2.1,其中包含 Xcode IDE、iPhone Simulator (含 Open GL ES 支援)、Interface Builder、Instruments、各項程式架構、編譯工具以及 Shark 分析。

在安裝 iPhone OS 2.2.1 的 iPhone SDK 前,請先使用系統內的“軟體更新”安裝 Mac OS X v10.5.5。

iPhone SDK for iPhone OS 2.2.1 is an update and bug fix release to the iPhone OS developer tools. This release includes new, optional GCC and LLVM compilers, updated project assistant, a simplified toolbar, and additional security enhancements.

The iPhone SDK includes the complete Xcode 3.1.2 developer tools for Mac OS X
development as well as the SDK components for iPhone OS development.

link 1: iPhone SDK 2.2.1 (須有 Apple ID)
link 2: Apple iPhone SDK 與 iPhone 2.0 (applewoods, March 2008)
link 3: iPhone SDK 下載超過 25 萬 (applewoods, June 2008)


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