Adobe CS4 支援多點觸控技術
上星期 Adobe 宣佈推出 Creative Suite 4 (CS4),提供了四種不同的套裝組合,並加入 Adobe 在 2005 年買下 Macromedia 所承接的多數軟體。在 Adobe CS4 的發表中,Adobe 似乎並未特別強調一項與 Mac 特定硬體有關的功能,就是也提供了多點觸控功能 (multi-touch) 的支援, 的 Gadget Lab 提到:
The big Mac-specific feature is support for the multi touch pads found on the MacBooks Air and Pro. You can pinch to zoom in and out, twist the image and also "throw" the picture across the screen: if you hold the space bar down, click and drag the image when it is zoomed in and then let go, the picture will continue to move before slowing and coming to rest. It's very similar to the scrolling on the iPhone.
若您擁有 MacBook Air 或今年二月份更新的 MacBook Pro,便可在 Photoshop CS4 中運用多點觸控技術。雙指一捏、一撥、輕掃或旋轉,就可縮放、瀏覽或調整影像,與 iPhone 上的捲視功能頗為類似。
link: Photoshop CS4 Exploits Mac Hardware Features (