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RealPlayer 11.0.0 (876) for Mac OS X

UniversalRealPlayer_90x90.jpgRealNetworks 宣佈釋出 RealPlayer 11 (876) 版本供 Mac OS X 使用者使用。這個新的版本加入了共享視訊連結 (Share Video Link) 的功能、改善了 RealPlayer Downloader 的功能,以及修復與 Safari 3、單聲道音訊、SuperPass 內容等相關的問題。

11.0 (RealPlayer 11): Changes since (RealPlayer 11 Beta)
  • Share Video Link feature added to the video overlay.
  • Improved RealPlayer Downloader functionality
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Safari 3.
  • Fixed an issue where mono audio would only play through the left speaker.
  • Fixed several issues with accessing SuperPass content and Big Brother streams.
  • 這個 RealPlayer 11 (876) 版的 DMG 大小約 15.3MB,系統需求為 Mac OS X 10.4 或更新系統、至少 256MB 的記憶體,以及配備 PowerPC G3 (或更快速度) 或 Intel 處理器的 Mac。

    link 1: RealPlayer 11 for Mac OS X (RealNetworks)
    link 2: RealPlayer 11 beta for Mac 釋出 (applewoods, Nov 2007)


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