Apple 宣佈 2008 設計獎項得主

Apple 宣佈了 WWDC 2008 年度 Apple Design Awards 的贏家,這些獎項主要是為了鼓勵不同軟體產品的開發。較引人注目的是 Vara Software 的 ScreenFlow 螢幕擷取工具程式同時贏得了 Best OS X Application 和 Best OS X Graphics and Media Application 兩個獎項;GuiTar Hero III 則贏得了 Best OS X Game;而 Orbicule 的 Macnification 贏得的是 Best OS X User Experience。學生類前兩名分別是 Squirrel 財務管理軟體和 Extendmac 的 Flow FTP 軟體。
關於 iPhone 獎項的部份,Icon Factory 的 Twitterrific 贏得了 Best iPhone Social Networking App;Pangea 的 Enigmo 則是贏得 Best iPhone Game 的獎項,而 Omni Group 的 OmniFocus 則是 Best iPhone Productivity App 的贏家。
Best Leopard Student Runner Up: Flow
Best Leopard Student Winner: SquirrelBest Mac OS X Leopard Graphics and Media Runner Up: Fotomagico
Best Mac OS X Leopard Graphics and Media Winner: ScreenFlowBest Mac OS X Leopard User Experience Runner Up: CheckOut
Best Mac OS X Leopard User Experience Winner: MacnificationBest Mac OS X Leopard Game Runner Up: Command and Conquer 3
Best Mac OS X Leopard Game Winner: Guitar Hero 3Best Mac OS X Leopard Application Runner Up: TimeLine 3D
Best Mac OS X Leopard Application Winner: ScreenFlowBest iPhone Web App Runner Up: Associated Press
Best iPhone Web App Winner: Remember the MilkBest iPhone Game: Enigmo
Best iPhone Entertainment App: AOL Radio
Best iPhone Social Networking: Twitterrific
Best iPhone Productivity App: OmniFocus
Best iPhone Health App: MIM
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link: Apple Design Awards (