Turbo.264 v1.3 更新
Elgato 對 Turbo.264 釋出了更新項目 1.3 版。1.3 版含有新功能和一些程式錯誤的修復。Turbo.264 1.3 的新功能包含編碼與上傳 YouTube、DVD Chapter Marker、Apple TV 預置支援 Dolby Digital AC-3 Audio (若來源是的話),以及 QuickTime Broadcaster 支援以 H.264 進行即時連續撥送。
Turbo.264 v1.3 修復了以下的程式錯誤:
- A problem where some iMovie projects lost audio at the end of the clip has been resolved.
- A problem where encoded files larger than 2 GB had an incorrect aspect ratio has been fixed.
- Freebox HD recordings exported via the Turbo application now have sound.
- A problem with WMV files that were truncated or had an incorrect duration after exporting has been resolved.
- Turbo now supports .avi files with the WRAW codec.
- QuickTime Player Pro no longer displays multiple blank dialog windows when attempting to export without Turbo hardware.
適用於 YouTube 的編碼:
Turbo.264 是個硬體的 H.264 編碼器 (encoder)。它會將系統資源從 CPU 移轉到 Turbo.264。我們大多喜愛 H.264 的畫質 (請參考 H.264 與其他編碼器的比較頁面),但我們也很清楚 H.264 的編碼挺費時的。
Elgato Turbo.264 可以處理任何 QuickTime 認得的視訊格式,同時包含其他協力廠商提供的編碼器,如 Flip4Mac WMV 元件以及 MPEG Program Stream/System Stream (包含未經加碼的 DVD/HD DVD 內容)。
如果您擁有威力十足的 Mac Pro,Turbo.264 的優勢可能不會那麼顯著。對一般使用者而言,移轉 CPU 的資源可以讓使用者更順暢地運用 Mac 來執行其他工作。
Turbo.264 1.3 更新程式已是 Universal 應用程式,所需的基本配備如下:
- Turbo.264
- a Macintosh computer with PowerPC G4, PowerPC G5 or Intel Core processor
- 512 MB of RAM
- a built-in USB 2.0 port
- Mac OS X 10.4 or later (Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard recommended with all software and security updates installed)
- QuickTime 7.4 (or later) for accelerated export from applications using QuickTime export
- EyeTV 2.5 (or later) for accelerated one-click exports to iPod and Apple TV
- iTunes 7.5 (or later)
link 1: 下載 Turbo.264 Version 1.3 (Elgato)
link 2: Turbo.264 v1.2 更新 (applewoods, 17 December 2007)
link 3: A comparison of codecs in QuickTime (MacCentre701)