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iPhone 的猜測遊戲開始


儘管 Apple 從未公開證實第二代 iPhone 的到來,許多產業觀察家與各大 Mac 網站已經推測在 Apple 今年 6 月 9 日的 WWDC 開幕時,介紹新版本的 iPhone。究竟 Apple 要為 iPhone 添加什麼料,才能趕上預定的銷售計畫?各家都在猜。New York Times 的報導...

There has been speculation about a higher-resolution camera, possible support for digital video recording, a slightly bulkier and more curved case, and the addition of a global positioning system receiver that would allow new Web services tied to a person’s location.

link: The Guessing Game Has Begun on the Next iPhone (NYTimes.com)


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