Google I/O
Apple 預計在 6 月 9 - 13 日舉辦全球開發人員大會,而 Google 現在也宣佈在 5 月 28、29 日在舊金山舉行為期兩天的開發人員聚會,此聚會的用意是讓開發人員齊聚一堂,研習有關產品、工具及技術的內容。
We've divided Google I/O into five topic areas: AJAX, APIs & Tools, Social, Geo, and Mobile. There's, of course, a focus on Google products, but the event won’t be limited to just Google APIs and developer tools.
link 1: Google I/O (official page)
link 2: Announcing Google I/O (Google Code Blog)
link 3: WWDC 2008:6 月 9 - 13 日 (applewoods, March 2008)