Yasu 升級到 2.5.4
我們以往曾經提過的系統維護工具 Yasu 推出了新版本 2.5.4,這個輕巧的工具可以讓您省去在終端機輸入一堆指令的動作,直接透過單一簡潔的界面,協助您重設權限、清除快取、清除日誌⋯等等。
This release fixes the following since the last stable release of 2.5.2:Update reset launch services option for Leopard.
Added/changed many cache paths that were Tiger/Leopard specific.
Locks all keychains before a restart/shutdown to prevent corruption.
Other code optimizations.
link 1: Yasu (jimmitchell.org)
link 2: Yasu 相關文章 (applewoods)