Google Toolbox for Mac
Google Toolbox for Mac 是一項新的開放原始碼專案,是 “Google Data APIs Object-C Library” 資源庫的一部份,使用者可依 Apache 授權取得程式碼,並用於自己的專案中。
This first release is a little eclectic. It starts with some simple utilities that we seem to need in just about every project, helpers for graphical things and for building unittests. In time, we'll add more utilities, more interesting and complex classes, and other interesting stuff.
Official Google Mac Blog 提到,此項初次釋出的程式碼包含一些各專案可能會需要的簡易公用程式,之後會持續增加其他的公用程式。如果您對在 Mac 上開發與 Google 相關的程式有興趣,可以參考看看。
link: Google Toolbox for Mac (Google)