QuickTime 7.4 和 iTunes 7.6 釋出

Apple 昨天針對 Mac OS X 與 Windows 釋出了 QuickTime 7.4 與 iTunes 7.6。QuickTime 7.4 解決了安全性問題,而 iTunes 7.6 則增加了從 iTunes Store 租借影片的功能 (稍早在 MWSF08 宣佈的服務)。
關於 QuickTime 7.4
QuickTime 7.4 addresses security issues and delivers:- Numerous bug fixes
- Support for iTunesThis release is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.
For detailed information on the security content of this update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n61798.
QuickTime 7.4 可以從 Apple QuickTime 網站下載,具有不同的版本:Mac OS X Leopard (55MB), Tiger (51MB), Panther (50MB) 以及 Windows XP SP2 或 Vista (22MB)。
關於 iTunes 7.6:
What’s New in this Version
Rent and download your favorite movies with iTunes on your computer or directly to your living room on Apple TV. Enjoy rented movies in sizes up to 720p HD with surround sound on your Apple TV and sizes up to DVD-quality on your computer. Transfer your rented movies from iTunes to your iPod or iPhone and enjoy them on the go.Also, purchase and download your favorite TV shows, music, and more directly on your Apple TV. Effortlessly transfer purchases made on Apple TV back to your computer with iTunes.
iTunes 7.6 可以從 Apple iTunes 網站下載,iTunes 7.6 適用於 Mac OS X 10.3.9 或更新版本 (45MB) 及 Windows XP SP2 或 Vista (56MB,含 QuickTime 7.4)。
iTunes 7.6 適用於 32 位元版本的 Windows XP Service Pack 2 或 Vista,以及 64 位元版本的 Windows Vista。
另外,別忘了您可以在 applewoods.org 直接下載來自 iTunes Store (USA) 每週的免費音樂。須有 iTunes Store (USA) 帳號。
QuickTime 7 Pro 可讓您輕鬆地為 iPod 或手機製作影片、按一下滑鼠即可擷取影片、從網頁儲存影片、透過電子郵件或 .Mac 分享影片、製作令人驚豔的 H.264 視訊...等等。QuickTime 7 Pro 的使用授權費用為 $29.99 美元。
Posted by: LS on January 18, 2008 12:14 AM
Posted by: Antony Shen
on January 18, 2008 8:26 AM