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VLC Media Player 0.8.6d

VLC media player
VLC Media Player 0.8.6d

除了 QuickTime Player 外,VLC Media Player 是另一套適用於 Mac OS X 也頗受歡迎的影音播放程式,最近已釋出 0.8.6d 供 Mac OS X 與 Windows 使用者下載。

VLC Media Player 0.8.6d 提供與 Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard 更好的相容性,並且改善全螢幕控制器的操作表現,以及全螢幕與視窗視訊輸出的模式變更。對 Windows 使用者而言,VLC Media Player 0.8.6d 則是修復了 ActiveX 外掛模組的安全性問題。

Various bugfixes:
* Mozilla plugin: supports a reasonable amount of MIME types on Windows
* Linux: Fixed S/PDIF passthrough with ALSA
* Automatic recovery on unexpected stream discontinuity (clock gap) occurrences in input
* Use field order (top/bottom) for correct bob/linear deinterlacing
* Fix invalid free in bookmarks loading code

Windows and Mac OS Binaries
* FLAC Security Update (CVE-2007-4619) to prevent multiple integer overflows

Active X plugin:
* Security update (VideoLAN-SA-0703)

Mac OS X Interface & Port:
* Apple Remote support on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard with enhanced functionality
* Improved Video Output compatibility for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
* Improved behavior of the Fullscreen Controller and mode changes between Fullscreen and Windowed Video Output
* Softened the white flash artifacts that may appear during the transition of two different movies
* Support for current Ogg file formats
NOTE: This release requires Mac OS X 10.4 or higher. Mac OS X 10.3.9 is not supported anymore.

* Improved H.264 encoding speed on Mac OS X

Other changes:
* The automatic updating facility was removed
* You now need to append --m3u-extvlcopt to your command line to enable EXTVLCOPT options parsing in m3u playlists.

VLC Media Player 0.8.6d 可以從 VideoLAN 下載取得。VLC Media Player 0.8.6 是開放原始碼的產品。

VLC Media Player 的系統基本需求是 Mac OS X 10.4 或更新版本,Mac OS X 10.3.9 從 0.8.6d 起已不再支援。


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想請教一個問題 看起來 M Player 不錯 VLC 也不錯 到底哪個好 或是主要差異在那? 感恩 Mac 新手

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