TIME 時代雜誌將 Apple iPhone 列為年度最佳發明“Invention Of the Year“。
時代雜誌的 Lev Grossman 解釋,Apple 並未發明觸控式螢幕,但 Apple 懂得該怎麼運用這項技術,建立了全新的使用者界面,讓使用者真正操控手機上的資料,翻閱專輯封面、點選連結、透過手指縮放照片:
a whole new kind of interface, a tactile one that gives users the illusion of actually physically manipulating data with their hands—flipping through album covers, clicking links, stretching and shrinking photographs with their fingers.
根據這篇文章,Apple 結合了手機外型與功能性,成功設計出親近使用者與易用的手持式裝置。在現在各家公司設計的電話與電子裝置中,iPhone 脫穎而出。
iPhone 之前是在 2007 年一月正式亮相,並於今年暑假正式在美國開賣。
link 1: Invention Of the Year: The iPhone (TIME magazine, 31 October 2007)
link 2: Time 將 iPhone 列為年度最佳發明 (OIKOS)
You could confirm this at Apple's official homepage.
Posted by: Flame Bear on November 3, 2007 10:03 PM
Posted by: Antony Shen
on November 3, 2007 10:27 PM
Posted by: Flame Bear on November 5, 2007 12:32 PM