Apple 推出 Bonjour for Windows 1.0.4

Bonjour for Windows 1.0.4
Apple 釋出了 Bonjour for Windows 1.0.4,這是對此無須繁瑣設定的網路軟體所進行的一項更新,它可以自動搜尋 IP 網路上的電腦、裝置及服務。Bonjour 使用了標準的 IP 通訊協定,讓裝置無須輸入 IP 位址或設定 DNS 伺服器,即可自動搜尋到其他裝置。
若要使用 Bonjour for Windows 1.0.4,須有 Microsoft Windows 2000/2003、Windows XP 或 Windows Vista。64 位元版本的 Bonjour 也已經可供執行 64 位元 Vista 的使用者下載使用。
Bonjour for Windows includes a plugin to discover advertised HTTP servers using Internet Explorer. Click the Bonjour icon in the Internet Explorer toolbar to enable Bonjour browsing. If you have Bonjour devices on your local network with embedded HTTP (Web) servers, they will appear in the list.The Bonjour Printer Wizard is also included and allows Windows computers to print to Bonjour networked printers, including USB shared printers connected to the AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express Base Stations. Since Apple first launched Bonjour in 2002, every major maker of network printers has adopted Bonjour. With the Bonjour Printer Wizard, computers using Windows can also experience the benefits of effortlessly discovering and printing to these Bonjour printers.
Bonjour 之前的名稱為 Rendezvous 。
link 1: Bonjour (official page)
link 2: Bonjour for Windows (版本 1.0.4, 2.1MB)
link 3: Bonjour for Windows 1.0.4 (適用於 64 位元 Windows)
Posted by: Chen-Pan Liao on August 1, 2007 11:19 AM
Posted by: Antony Shen
on August 1, 2007 11:57 AM