Path Finder 4.7

Path Finder
Path Finder 這個經過重新設計的檔案瀏覽器,具有流暢美觀的界面及許多新功能,可以說是個另類 Finder。最近 Cocoatech 推出了新版本 4.7,讓使用者可以透過 Cmd-Option-I 來取得摘要資訊、提供基本 svn 功能的 Subversion 外掛模組、重新設計的應用程式啟動器、更新終端機到最新的 iTerm 程式碼、預覽 Safari 網頁封存檔...等等。

Redesigned Get Info window which allows get summary info (Cmd-Option-I) New Subversion plugin (experimental - use with caution) that provides basic svn functionality (status, update, commit, diff, add) Redesigned Applications Launcher - press F8 or see the Go menu Updated the Terminal to the latest iTerm code: new interface; drag reorder tabs in terminal; drag tab out of window to create new window; many other new features. Terminal preferences have been moved and can be now found in the terminal window (“Settings” toolbar button). Added the ability to preview Safari .webarchive files You can now preview and play media files as well as preview PDF thumbnails in the last column of column view
如果您是 Power 使用者,可能會蠻欣賞 Path Finder 提供的許多功能,讓您更有效率、省下許多時間,尤其是標籤頁式的視窗 (tabbed window) 和檔案暫放架 (Drop Stack),用了 Drop Stack,您便無須再使用開合式檔案夾來搬移檔案。
Path Finder 上次推出 4.0 版的時間是 2006 年一月,有興趣的朋友可以閱讀舊文或前往官方網站,下載試用看看。
link 1: Path Finder (official site)
link 2: 探路者 Path Finder 4 登場 (applewoods, Jan 2006)