學生專用 Task List

Task List
就像我們在去年五月份提到的 Schoolhouse 一樣,Task List 這個應用程式是專為在校使用筆記型電腦的學生設計的,學生們可透過此程式來追蹤並管理科目與指定作業,此外也可記錄分數、目標以及筆記。
Task List 還可以在使用 .mac 的多部電腦間進行偏好設定與指定作業的同步化,讓學生們在桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦或其他電腦之間,同步他們的個人資料與作業。

Task List 新版本提供的新功能包含:
Task List can now handle substeps for assignments A visual priority meter has been added to tasks Basic backup and restore functionality is included Tasks can now be archived A quick reference window has been added The Dock icon displays the number of current assignments Task List Lite, a menubar item, is now included A .Mac Backup QuickPick is included as well Notes can be edited in tabs Task List can now handle multiple file attachments Most toolbar icons have been updated The interface has been overhauled The Finals calculator, GPA calculator, and graphs have been merged into the main window Goals and notes are now handled in separate windows Assignment types are user-definable The application icon has been enhanced and cleaned up Graphs can now be viewed as bar graphs, line graphs, or pie charts Task List can now create a separate calendar in iCal for each of your classes Reliability of classcasts has been greatly improved Reliability of saving data has been improved Tons of other minor tweaks and fixes
Task List 提供了一種匯出格式 Classcast,程式會將作業與任務匯出成 Classcast,它可算是一種 RSS feed,您可用來與其他電腦或學生分享作業資訊。而匯出的 Classcast 可在 Task List 或 Schoolhouse 中訂閱。

Task List 同時也提供了 Dashboard widget,讓使用者方便地查看指定作業。

link 1: Task List (official page)
link 2: Schoolhouse (applewoods, May 29, 2006)
Posted by: msted on January 9, 2007 10:54 AM