OmniWeb 5.5.3 review

OmniWeb 5.5.3 review
The Mac Observer 提供了一篇 OmniWeb 5.5.3 的試用報告。
Apple's Safari Web browser is perfectly fine, but it isn't the only option available. In fact, one of the best browsers I've ever used doesn't come from Apple - it hails from the Omni Group, and it's called OmniWeb.OmniWeb is a full-featured browser, complete with RSS support, a robust history and bookmark system, and tabbed browsing. The tabbed browsing you'll see in OmniWeb, however, isn't like what you'll see in other browsers. Instead of a row of tabs across the top of your browser window, OmniWeb displays thumbnail images of each page you are viewing in a slide-out drawer.
若想閱讀整篇文章,可以參考 The Mac Observer 上的這篇 "Review - OmniWeb 5.5.3"。
OmniWeb 5 現在的售價僅 US$14.95 (而非去年九月首次推出時的 $29.95 美元)。您可從 The Omni Group 的官方網站上下載使用。MacCentre701 提供了免費的 OmniWeb 5 Backup 'QuickPick' 供 .Mac 與 Backup 的使用者使用。
link 1: Review - OmniWeb 5.5.3 (The Mac Observer)
link 2: OmniWeb 5.5 (The Omni Group)
link 3: OmniWeb 5 Backup ‘QuickPick’ (MacCentre701)
Posted by: zion on January 31, 2007 7:20 PM