Universal 的 Acrobat 8
Adobe Acrobat Family
您大概已經知道了... Adobe 在九月 18 日宣佈了即將在十一月發售 Acrobat 8,整個 Acrobat 系列產品包含 Acrobat 8 Professional, Acrobat 8 Standard, Acrobat 8 Elements, Acrobat 3D Version 8, Acrobat Connect 以及 Acrobat Connect Professional。
除了推出線上協同編輯平台以及新的表單引擎外,對 Mac 族來說,就如同 Acrobat 開發人員 Lori DeFurio 在 blog 中提到的文章,還有個好消息即是,Acrobat 8 是 Universal Binary,Intel-based Mac 的使用者可以毫不打折地盡情享用。此外 Acrobat 8 對 Safari 瀏覽器的整合也進行了一次改造,表現更佳、速度更快。
None of the new features of Acrobat 8 Professional are Windows only. (OK - except one - Converting Lotus Notes emails to PDF). Yes, there were some inconsistencies between platforms in Acrobat 7 but this is not the situation for Acrobat 8. Additionally, Acrobat 8 on MAC is much faster than earlier versions and Acrobat 8 is Intel native/Universal.
link 1: Adobe Acrobat Family (adobe.com)
link 2: Adobe Drives Next Generation of Electronic Documents with Acrobat 8 Software