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MacBook black

如同其較為昂貴的兄弟 MacBook Pro,Apple 新的 13 吋 MacBook 也被列為時代雜誌的本週科技玩意兒 TIME.com's Gadget of Week (7th June 2006)。

Wilson Rothman 替 Time.com 評論了 MacBook 並做了這樣的結論︰

The MacBook is a powerful and affordable option, especially for people who are uncertain about their Windows future. The next version, Vista, might be a success, but with a MacBook you can hedge your bet. You get a computer that runs both Mac OS X and Windows XP today, and even appears to meet the minimum requirements for Vista once it gets here. Dell and HP should be very worried indeed.

之前,iMac G5 (11 Nov 2005), MacBook Pro (7th March 2006) and iPod Hi-Fi (13 March 2006) 全都曾獲選為時代雜誌的 Gadget of Week。

MacBook 是在 2006 年五月 16 日推出的,價格從 1099 美元起。MacBook 可說是取代了 iBook G4 的產品線。有興趣的朋友可以前往閱讀 Time 雜誌的報導。

link: Gadget of the Week (Time Magazine, 7 June 2006)



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