Camino 1.0.2 釋出

Camino 1.0.2 最近釋出了微幅更新的瀏覽器 Camino 1.0.2,這是自 Camino 1.0 於今年二月份推出以來的第二次更新。Camino 1.0.2 的更新內容對 1.0 版本的使用者而言,主要為安全性與穩定性的更新,建議所有 Camino 的使用者進行更新。
- Fixed several critical security issues, including those fixed in version of the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine.
- Fixed an issue in Camino 1.0.1 where proxy auto-config (PAC) files were ignored.
- Fixed an issue where Camino’s bookmark metadata could not be added to the list of locations Spotlight is prevented from searching.
- Fixed an issue where using Camino on a network with many Bonjour hosts could significantly degrade performance.
- Fixed an issue where Camino would ignore the “Link from other application” tabbed browsing preference in certain cases.
- Fixed an issue where Camino displayed some search fields on incorrectly.
link 1: Camino 1.0.2 (official page)
link 2: Camino 1.0.1 更新釋出 (applewoods, May 4, 2006)
link 3: Camino 1.0 繁體中文套件 (applewoods, Feb 23, 2006)
link 4: Camino 備份專用 QuickPick (applewoods, March 17, 2006)