Sunbird - Mozilla 的行事曆

The Sunbird team is proud to announce the completion of Sunbird 0.3 alpha2 for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. This is a major milestone on the road to the final Sunbird 0.3 release. Thanks go to all developers, testers and other supporters of the project.

如果您對 iCal 不甚滿意 (雖然這不太容易^_^),想要試試其他的行事曆工具,可以參考看看 Sunbird!不過目前此程式仍在積極開發的階段,使用時可能仍有臭蟲或限制,詳細情形可參考官方提供的資訊 (前往↗)。
link: Sunbird (official page)