Stuffit 10.1 (beta) 免安裝
Stuffit Expander 10.1
Allume Systems 之前已經釋出了 (beta) Universal Binary 版本的 Stuffit Expander。如果您還不曉得,參考這篇說明。這個已經不再內建於 OS X 10.4 的解壓縮軟體,對於某些特定格式的壓縮檔,有時候或許仍會用到。可喜的是,現在要將 Stuffit Expander 放到電腦中,不再需要透過 installer 安裝程式,使用者只需要像使用一般軟體一樣,直接從 dmg 映像檔拖拉至「應用程式」檔案夾即可使用。
The software requires Mac OS X 10.4 ("Tiger") or higher, and includes English, French, German, and Japanese localizations. This version of StuffIt Expander 10.1 beta will expire on October 1, 2006.
這個版本的測試版本的 Stuffit Expander 會於十月 1 日到期。根據 Stuffit 提供的更新事項,此版本的也修正了一些問題。如果您需要 Universal Binary 的版本,可以前往 Allume Systems 網頁免費下載與使用。
Addressed an issue when Destination preference was set to "Ask" and Expander was not running, where double-clicking a compressed or encoded file to launch StuffIt Expander, then choosing a Destination location from the pop-up menu that appears at the top of the Save dialog would cause Expander to exit. Addressed an issue with "Delete Originals" via AppleScript Addressed an issue when Destination preference was set to a specified folder and then the folder was later renamed/moved/deleted. Addressed an issue where Post-Expansion Anti-virus scanning preferences weren't being saved to plist file.
link: Stuffit Expander 10.1 (official page)