Apple Fans Gallery
Apple Fans Gallery (Wired News)
類似宗教信仰的品牌狂熱,蘋果擁有不少忠誠的追隨者~ Cult of Mac 的作者 Leander Kahney 在 Wired News 分享了蘋果迷的 apple 刺青、圖像創作,熱愛蘋果的您千萬不可錯過!
而如同 The Unofficial Apple Weblog 所提的:
While I'm glad to see posts like this, I have to wonder: where are the Cult of Windows books and art galleries?
如果您發現有類似 "Cult of Windows" 的網站或資訊或者您自己也曾運用 apple logo 創作過,也可與大夥兒分享 ;-)
link: Apple Fans Gallery (Wired News)