對於近來遭到指控偷取其他本地化開發者的作品,我們感到難過與無奈。在另一個受歡迎的本地化網站 C+Style 及 OIKOS 的此則討論串中,雖然張貼者並未直接指出,但很清楚地 Ayee 兄是在針對 Jack (或 applewoods)。
我們通常會詢問原軟體開發人員他們是否對其軟體的繁體中文化感興趣 (當然,繁體中文套件是免費提供的)。然後我們會開始進行翻譯,並在將套件寄回給開發人員之前進行測試。我們從未使用其他人的作品或者經過小部翻修後宣稱這是自己的作品。
applewoods 一直都有興趣與其他 Mac 軟體本地化開發人員 (製作者) 一同合作及努力,我們的目標是希望能提供所有繁體中文的 Mac 使用者更好的服務。我們希望這個誤解可在不久的未來冰釋。
已編輯 (下列內容於 9:54PM 12th April 2006新增)
Jack and I would like to thank everybody's support and the kind comments. Please allow me to explain why we decided to make this official response. We were deeply saddened by such unwarranted and unjustifiable attack from C+Style. Although Ayee did not name anybody directly, it was obvious from the content that he was referring to Jack (or applewoods). They accused us but unable to provide any sounding evidences. We had no other options but to respond.
There are just a few things I would like to point out.
1) We never steal another party's work and claimed to be ours. I believe most long time applewoods readers can tell that we always give proper credits throughout our content. (Including pictures, software, localised software, or any news source.)
2) We've never mentioned to public the effort we put into providing localised software or building this applewoods. We realise providing localised software is not an easy task, we also understand the hard work C+Style has done.
3) applewoods receive no benefits by taking other people's work.
applewoods strive to provide the best service to our valued readers, and we will continue to do so.
Again, Jack and I would like to thank supports from everybody.
Jack 與我十分感謝來到這兒每位好友的支持以及善意的留言。請容許我描述我們決定張貼官方回應的原因。我們對於不實的指控感到難過與無奈,雖然未指明對象,但內容很明顯是朝向 Jack (或 applewoods)。這樣的指控卻未有任何實際的證據,我們沒有其他選擇只好選擇回應。
1) 我們從未偷取其他個人或團體的作品、或宣稱是我們自己的。我想長期以來大多數 applewoods 的訪客可以看到,我們總是在內容中給予適當的版權聲明或官方連結 (無論是 Flickr 圖片、軟體、或軟體本地化)。
2) 我們從未公開地提及提供軟體本地化或建造 applewoods 的辛苦或努力。我們可了解製作軟體本地化不是件輕鬆的事,而我們也清楚 C+Style 曾做過的努力。
3) 擷取別人的作品對 applewoods 並沒有好處。
applewoods 一直盡最大努力以提供最好的服務與資訊分享給我們的讀者,當然也會持續努力下去。如果您有不錯的資訊願意與眾多好友們分享,也可提供給 applewoods。
最後,Jack 與我十分感謝支持的好友。
link: 有種被偷竊的感覺 (OIKOS thread, 11th April 2006)
Posted by: Ling on April 11, 2006 11:51 PM
Posted by: vancegap on April 12, 2006 12:20 AM
Posted by: Farley on April 12, 2006 12:37 AM
Posted by: Billy on April 12, 2006 12:55 AM
Posted by: JohnWuson on April 12, 2006 1:06 AM
Posted by: PIP on April 12, 2006 1:22 AM
Posted by: Arsen on April 12, 2006 1:33 AM
我閱讀了Ayee兄的文章,我個人認為Ayee怎能如此確定別人的中文化成果是偷取他的心血? 但我想Ayee兄也是不好受才會有如此情緒性的文章po在討論版上,但是不是官方中文版,這個讓我的感覺就好像在搶誰先發表在影響指數高的國際期刊。
我和所有的樓上網友一樣,這裡是我天天必光顧的網站!您們的軟體介紹十分的完整,而且提供了一個良好的環境,讓Mac使用者無痛苦的找到他們想要的軟體,省去了好多好多時間!我常常在思考,您們是如何把applewood做的這麼好呢? 幾乎每天都會有新文章,軟體的新發現!藉此感謝您們所有付出心血的人! 對不起,把場面搞的有點嚴肅 @@。安傑兄加油,千萬別氣餒喔,有很多人網友支持您的!
Posted by: cell on April 12, 2006 1:56 AM
所以我相信applewoods :-)
Posted by: Charlie on April 12, 2006 9:51 AM
這個網站也是我每天必看的網站,也加入我的 Bloglines 訂閱了,有沒有更新一目了然(有什麼好康的別想瞞我,呵呵)。
Posted by: PK on April 12, 2006 10:34 AM
Posted by: kvl on April 12, 2006 11:19 AM
Posted by: appleseed on April 12, 2006 12:19 PM
Posted by: msted on April 12, 2006 12:22 PM
Posted by: Jose on April 12, 2006 12:47 PM
Posted by: Alex on April 12, 2006 4:38 PM
Posted by: chester on April 12, 2006 11:14 PM
Jack and I would like to thank everybody's support and the kind comments. Please allow me to explain why we decided to make this official response. We were deeply saddened by such unwarranted and unjustifiable attack from C+Style. Although Ayee did not name anybody directly, it was obvious from the content that he was referring to Jack (or applewoods). They accused us but unable to provide any sounding evidences. We had no other options but to respond.
There are just a few things I would like to point out.
1) We never steal another party's work and claimed to be ours. I believe most long time applewoods readers can tell that we always give proper credits throughout our content. (Including pictures, software, localised software, or any news source.)
2) We've never mentioned to public the effort we put into providing localised software or building this applewoods. We realise providing localised software is not an easy task, we also understand the hard work C+Style has done.
3) applewoods receive no benefits by taking other people's work.
applewoods strive to provide the best service to our valued readers, and we will continue to do so.
Again, Jack and I would like to thank supports from everybody.
Posted by: Antony Shen
on April 12, 2006 11:27 PM
Posted by: miki on April 13, 2006 12:19 AM
Posted by: hanshere on April 13, 2006 2:44 AM
凡是講證據,沒有證據不可以抹黑別人。 加油,雖然我完全不需要中文化,但是我認為你做的事是很有意義的。
Posted by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006 7:41 AM
Posted by: zoo on April 13, 2006 11:36 AM
Posted by: xamous on April 13, 2006 12:50 PM
Posted by: PK on April 15, 2006 1:02 AM
Posted by: Antony Shen
on April 15, 2006 10:16 PM