微幅更新 Microsoft Messenger 5.1.1

Microsoft Messenger 5.1.1
Microsoft Messenger 微幅更新為 5.1.1 的版本,基本上程式的外觀察覺不出有什麼改變... 習慣使用 Microsoft Messenger 的朋友可前往 Mactopia 下載或取得更多資訊。

Messenger for Mac 5.1.1 makes it easy to take advantage of the full power of instant messaging and incorporates improvements to corporate accounts. This update allows users of Messenger for Mac to view icons for contacts of other Messenger clients, ability to suppress saving conversation history, detect multiple points of presence, and improve the stability of corporate accounts using the Microsoft Office Live Communications Server service.
link 1: Microsoft Messenger 5.1.1
link 2: MS Messenger 5.1 繁體中文語系套件 (applewoods, Mar. 15, 2006)