Unsanity 共襄盛舉 MWSF 七折優惠
Unsanity 出品的 WindowShade X
Since we're not there but still want to get in on the fun and excitement of the occasion, we're offering our customers 30% off each order when using the special discount coupon code "NotAtTheShow" on our web store.Simply redeem the coupon code "NotAtTheShow" at the Unsanity Web Store during Jan 10-14 to receive a 30% discount.
頗讓人印象深刻的其中一項軟體是 WindowShade X (Deray 與 Jack 都曾購買過^_^),可以讓您在桌面上工作時,直接將無須用到的視窗原地縮小、縮成僅剩視窗標題列、或使用透明度隱形。想要觀看影片實作的朋友可按右方連結,觀賞下載的操作影片 (下載↘)!