Adium 0.88 修復 MSN 個人圖像

Adium 傳訊軟體釋出更新,現在 Adium 也是 Universal Binary 了,同時也修復了 MSN 傳訊服務好友圖示的顯示與更新問題、升級到 Growl 0.7.4...等等。更詳細的更新事項,請參閱官方的說明。
# Adium is now a Universal binary # Improved autoconnection when waking from sleep [#1420] # Fixed MSN buddy icon retrieval and updating [#31] # Upgraded to Growl 0.7.4 # Enabled interserver communication for Google Talk
link: Adium
Posted by: Anonymous on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM
hello pal,謝謝你的分享唷,以前有稍微玩過一下,現在不知有沒有增值一些 :-) 挺有趣的,可惜不能換真鈔... 呵呵
Posted by: Jack on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM
Posted by: RVN on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM