AppleJack 疑難排解

AppleJack is a user friendly troubleshooting assistant for Mac OS X. With AppleJack you can troubleshoot a computer even if you can't load the GUI, or don't have a startup CD handy. AppleJack runs in Single User Mode and is menu-based for ease of use.
使用 AppleJack,您可以修復磁碟、修復權限、驗證系統的偏好設定檔、剔除可能損壞的快取檔案。在大部分的情況下,這些操作可以讓您的電腦恢復「健康」的狀態。您甚至用不到開機光碟~Dan Frakes 在 MacFixIt 提供了一篇使用摘要,有興趣的可以前往閱讀看看~
Posted by: 孫阿毛 on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM