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Safari 的 '隨打即找' 功能

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替您的 Safari 加上隨打即找 (find as you type/type-ahead find) 的功能,對於搜尋網頁上的內容相當簡單實用。輸入反斜線 \ 即可繼續搜尋下一個字串,若搜尋到的文字是個網址,按下 return 即可開啟。

fiwt 是個 SIMBL 外掛模組,因此若要使用的話,您的系統必須有安裝 SIMBL 0.8 以上的版本喔!

link 1: fiwt
link 2: SIMBL


Dear Pez, The first (usual) step is to remove Safari's .plist files
You can find them under Users/(username)/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari.plist Then restart Safari. If that does not work, try repair Disk Permission, then remove Safari, and re-install Safari.
(To re-install Safari, simply use Tiger DVD to re-install Safari. Note: you can install individual application from Tiger DVD.) Hope this helps.
DATE: 11/09/2005 10:15 PM
不好意思...可不可以請教一下大大就是啊 我的tiger自從更新成10.4.3後safari就完全失去效用了 >______每次開啟都會直接關閉耶......能否請大大幫個忙 @_@
DATE: 11/09/2005 10:25 PM
dear pez,你有沒有裝其他的外掛呢?如 Saft, iGetter... 之類的...如果有的話,請將外掛先停用後再更新!
DATE: 11/09/2005 10:43 PM
DATE: 11/09/2005 11:35 PM
Dear Antony Shen,I've remove the files you said,but it's no use.After then,I re-install Safari,but the installation said I can't install Sarafi in the OS....So...the only thing I can do is stopping it. Q______QI don't know why,it's too strange to understand.I just call someone who has update to 10.4.3 and whose safari is still useful,to make the DMG for me.Anyway,THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELPING.Dear JACK,THANK YOU,too.Yor're the kind of people.I do really appriciate to you.
DATE: 11/10/2005 1:18 AM
DATE: 11/10/2005 1:19 AM
我記得10.4剛出來時的Safari有這個功能耶(僅限英文)!後來就又莫名其妙消失了 ^^"
DATE: 11/10/2005 8:29 AM
DATE: 11/10/2005 9:17 AM
大概用英文的才能感覺隨打'即'找吧, 如果找中文, 當然還是用 ctrl+F 了...
DATE: 11/12/2005 4:26 AM
"ctrl+F"??在Mac上應該是"cmd+F"吧。Jack這樣不行喔!身在曹營心在漢 :P
DATE: 11/12/2005 10:06 PM
呵呵,真不好意思!公司裡用的是 Win,一時昏頭了~~ @@"

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