Office 2004 for Mac 更新: SP2

Microsoft 於九月二十日發佈了 Office 2004 for Mac 的更新 Service Pack 2:
This service pack provides expanded support for Microsoft Exchange Server accounts, performance improvements, security enhancements, and increased stability for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Entourage for Office 2004. This service pack also includes all of the improvements released in Office 2004 Service Pack 1 (11.1.0), Office 2004 11.1.1 Security Update, and international proofing tools updates.
詳細更新內容及更新套件下載,請至官方網頁 (前往↗)。此外,您也可以使用應用程式裡的 Microsoft AutoUpdate 直接進行更新!
link: Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac SP2