iChat 的標籤頁式對話視窗?

Think Secret 此篇內容 (閱讀↗) 提到,Mac OS X 10.4.3 中,iChat 可能具有 "標籤頁 (Tabs)" 對話視窗的功能,這樣您的桌面上便不會再有堆滿一堆 iChat 對話視窗的情形;有點類似 Adium 的標籤頁介面,有使用 Adium 的朋友應該都蠻清楚此介面的。

此外,iChat的套件內容提到 "window sharing" 的字眼,似乎也暗示了可能會有與好友同時編輯文件的功能。感覺起來 iChat 的更新,比起功能多得讓人感到可怕的 MSN Messenger,似乎還要來得實際與實用吧!只是環境事實是...這裡 MSN Messenger 的使用者眾...
Further searching inside of iChat's Localizable.strings files indicates that "ws" likely stands for "Window sharing," which includes a note describing the Window sharing banner as an "Invitation to share a document with." The feature would enable one person to share a document with another and support both users editing the document simultaneously.
link: Briefly: New 10.4.3 seed, iChat document sharing