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Google 部落格搜尋

Google Blog Search 是 Google 搜尋技術的另一項威力展現,如同 Google 在其說明頁面上簡要的定義:"Blog Search is Google search technology focused on blogs."。讓您將重點放在部落格的內容上。
Your results include all blogs, not just those published through Blogger; our blog index is continually updated, so you'll always get the most accurate and up-to-date results; and you can search not just for blogs written in English, but in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese and other languages as well.

不過在開始享受使用 Google Blog Search 前,十分建議您先看看它的 Help,相信應該能提升使用上的體驗!最後,您可以從下列四個地方進入 Google Blog Search:
1. blogsearch.google.com (Google-style interface)
2. search.blogger.com (Blogger-style interface)
3. The Blogger Dashboard
4. The Navbar on any Blog*Spot blog

link: Google Blog Search Help


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DATE: 09/14/2005 9:12 PM
DATE: 09/14/2005 9:30 PM
最近 Blog 的留言老是被 spam 張貼,真是氣人...
DATE: 09/14/2005 9:40 PM
DATE: 09/14/2005 9:50 PM
感謝 justin 提供的建議呀!真是太棒了!加上驗證碼囉

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