明年六月 Intel-based Mac
蘋果電腦正按部就班地朝著目標前進,預計明年六月推出 intel-based Mac。這不是 Jack 講的,是 Steve Jobs 今天在法國的一個新聞記者會的發言。這篇新聞雖然沒提到什麼重點,但起碼讓人感覺一切都非常順利...呵呵!有興趣的可以看看今天路透社的此則新聞 (閱讀↗)。
PARIS (Reuters) - Apple Computer Inc. (AAPL.O: Quote, Profile, Research) is on track to ship Intel-based computers as targeted by June 2006, Chief Executive Steve Jobs said on Tuesday.
"We are on track to do that," Jobs told a news conference in Paris, referring to the plan the company announced in June this year.
update: SillyDog701 的 ants 剛好提供給我這個連結,有更詳盡的內容,千萬別錯過。