想在 Windows 上用 Exposé 嗎?

Windows 上的 Exposé
用慣了 Mac OS X 的 Exposé,有時候使用 Windows 是否滑鼠會不自覺地左上、右上...移來移去?不自覺地 F9、F10...按來按去?兩個 third-party 的類似工具,讓使用 Windows 的朋友也能使用方便的 Exposé,如果你想在 Windows 上享受 Mac OS X 的 Exposé 魔術,可以試試這兩個不貴的應用程式:WinPLOSION 和 TopDesk (約 10 元美金而已),但傑克更建議你直接跳槽過來使用 Mac、內建的 Mac OS X 系統就有此功能 :-)...
link 1: WinPLOSION
link 2: TopDesk
雖然只是十美元 但我還是覺得騙錢...可能是mac用久了現在遇到windows要換視窗的時候真的突然會不知道怎麼辦!?然後就停個幾秒在想說我在幹嘛..旁邊的人也覺得奇怪也不知道該怎麼跟他們解釋...
Posted by: silverback on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM
呵呵、我也常發生滑鼠上下左右移來移去的糗事...Windows 呀,我都是能避則避...:)
Posted by: Jack on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM
i use pc and mac daily. mostly pc in office and mac at home.well. firstabove i gotta say expose' is really COOL as instant spread in a fingertip. i don't know if the idea is original from apple since it's really the first time i see on apple machine. however, expose' doesn't really impress me on switching among the applications. instead, i like the simply way windows does, just put in in frames of the bottom task bar.don't even tell me how "efficient" expose' helps u. i wanna emphasize again that i love to use apple. but sometimes i even hope apple can provide the way of switching tasks as windows' interface.
Posted by: rich on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM
青菜蘿蔔各有所好,對我個人而言,Expose 比下方一條視窗列、十幾個視窗標籤要去找,Expose 我比較習慣,對我來說也比較有效率!因為 Expose 讓我看到視窗的畫面,秀出同個應用程式的不同視窗時、甚至是各程式全部視窗時,我可以很快地判斷找到、而 Windows 下方那麼小的文字視窗標籤列,十幾個文字縮短的視窗標籤,我眼力不好,實在不喜歡!效不效率因人而異,不是誰說了算!善用Expose 效率自然就出來!參考看看!
Posted by: Jack on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM
task ba最大的缺點是太短了>尤其是用IE上網,每開個連結就佔一個位子,IE又沒支援分頁這種功能,開到最後就疊成一團,幸好後來有FIREFOX,不然實在很討厭~DOCK就做得很簡潔,一條BAR上面的圖示功能包括WIN的桌面捷徑、標示正在使用中的程式、最小化的視窗放置處,還兼炫耀功能^^
Posted by: appleseed on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM
Posted by: 傑洛‧安 on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM
Thieves, Mac rip-off.When WinPlosion first started in early January 2004. The original name was "WinExposé" and in their website, they were misguiding people that they were the original creator of such windows managing.They made no reference that they stole the idea from Mac OS X 10.3 Panther.They later renamed to WinPlosion, and they deployed an awful method to tell the world - spamming all message boards/blogs.Shame on them.
Posted by: Antony Shen on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM