WWDC 前夕,謠言滿天飛

photo by lucien
Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2005 (June 6-10 在 San Francisco) 即將開始,會議開始前還是如往年般地各種謠言、小道消息甚囂塵上,有 tablet 的、有 intel 的、還有 ipod shuffle 的...還是耐心等待揭曉吧!
寫在後面:從 OIKOS 得知 (看 這裡↗),石墨工房站長 Fred 將在 這裡 提供線上實況文字轉播;想要熬夜的人,請多多光臨!:)
link: MacRumors > WWDC 2005 Approaching
Thanks, I will read the "formal" news report the following day. Not that desperate.
Posted by: Antony Shen on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM
Posted by: Jack on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM
Okay, "Intel Mac" is true, but not others :-)
Posted by: Antony Shen on January 27, 2006 2:28 PM