Apple WWDC 2005 Keynote 影片
Apple WWDC 2005 Keynote
文字新聞看得煩!看太多!許多 "謠言後謠言" 又開始如雨後春筍般接連冒出,還是自己看看 WWDC 2005 Keynote 影片最實在!(如果你碰到影片會延遲,試著將預設的串流速度設定降低一級,如 1M → 768 KB,相信會流暢許多!感謝 Antony 的提醒!)
Watch Apple CEO Steve Jobs kick-off the Worldwide Developers Conference with a keynote address from San Francisco's Moscone West. See the video-on-demand event right here exclusively in QuickTime and MPEG-4.
寫在後面:官方新聞稿 Apple to Use Intel Microprocessors Beginning in 2006
link: Apple WWDC 2005 Keynote Address