Safari 外掛 Saft 8.0.1 釋出
Saft 釋出 8.0.1 版,主要更新的部份在於,在 Safari 自動安裝 Dashboard widgets 前提醒警告 (這個功能主要是因應老地方冰果室在 這裡 提到的惡意 Dashboard widget 的問題)、停止下載警告的選項、按住 cmd 鍵從選單選取書籤可以新標籤頁開啟、解決於 Tiger 使用 Aqua 樣式瀏覽器視窗網址列的問題,以及其他臭蟲修正。版本號正式進入 8.0 後,已可支援 Mac OS X 10.4。

Saft 的 widget 自動安裝警告視窗;圖片來源 haoli
What's New in Version 8.0.1:
New feature: Warn before Safari auto-install Dashboard widgets
New feature: Option to stop download warnings
Improvement: Holding cmd-key while selecting a bookmark from menu opens it in new tab
Improvement: Workaround for issue with Address Bar of Aqua browser window in Tiger
Bug fix: Browser window moved under Dock with max screen when Dock is at left side with hiding off
Bug fix: Command-enter for Saft shortcut should open a new tab
Bug fix: Exception when downloading non-existent file
Bug fix: Not respect preference for "Hide Downloads window when all done after..."
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