Guest PC 與 Virtual PC
Macworld 五月 17 日刊了一篇 Guest PC 的評論,它與 VPC (Virtual PC) 兩者皆是讓使用者在麥金塔電腦上執行虛擬 Windows 系統的軟體,Guest PC 的價格大約是 VPC 的一半,不過整個程式表現 VPC 則優於 Guest PC。不過在該篇文章中也提到,儘管 VPC 的表現較優,但兩者的速度都不算快,充其量僅是類似兩隻烏龜的賽跑 (tortoise vs. turtle)、而非龜兔賽跑...:-) 詳細的內容可以參閱下方延伸連結。
Virtual PC outperformed Guest PC across the board, but neither program offers much speed. It’s like watching a race between a tortoise and a … turtle. One of them will win, but it’s not a very exciting event.
