老虎的傳說 (時代雜誌)

Time 時代雜誌 本期簡單介紹了蘋果電腦即將發行的新版作業系統 Tiger,稱其主要賣點之一是 Spotlight,一項微軟誇口在其下一代作業系統 Longhorn 也會具備的功能,不過至少必須在等個一年。
Tiger is the fourth and easily the most significant upgrade to Mac OS X (following Puma, Jaguar and Panther). Its main selling point, a desktop search application called Spotlight, is similar to a feature Microsoft is touting in its next Windows release, Longhorn—which won't be out for at least another year.
文中分別介紹了四項已經眾所皆知的功能:Spotlight、Dashboard、Automator、iChat AV。內容並不深入,不過也點到了新功能吸引使用者之處!有興趣的朋友可以前往下方連結閱讀!(內容為英文)
延伸連結:Tiger's Tale: A first look at the new Mac OS