再談 Growl

image source: DrunkenBlog
我之前在 applewoods 這裡 大略談過 Mac 上的 Growl 是個什麼樣的程式/工具,依照官方的介紹,它是個 "global notification system",中文硬要翻譯的話可說是「全域通知系統」,但我想即便翻成中文,不懂的人還是一頭霧水,因此開發者簡單地提到,任何程式都能使用 Growl 來通知使用者,這就是 global 的部分;而使用者可決定要傳送什麼通知、甚至是系統通知的外觀,這就是 system 的層面:
What this means is that any app can use Growl for their notifications. That's the global part.
The system part is that users can decide what to allow to actually send growl notifications. Thus giving the user the power.
Also, this allows users to decide how the notification should look from the predefined notification types. The system part also means that users can configure notifications to not appear. They can turn off certain notifications for apps.
而 DrunkenBlog 在去年十月也談過 Growl,甚至 訪談 Growl 的開發者,那篇文章將 Growl 介紹的相當深入,並且附上了許多螢幕擷圖可供參考,上面的引文即是出自這篇 訪談 中;因此如果您還不熟悉 Growl,或者您剛開始使用它,參考一下這篇訪談!絕對值得一讀!(註:內容為英文)
延伸連結:Christopher Forsythe, of Growl for Mac OS X