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iPhoto 5 和 Picasa 2


在三月 30 日的 The Wall Street Journal, Walt Mossberg 評論了兩套相片軟體 iPhoto 5 和 Picasa 2(僅能執行於 Windows 系統,目前由之前收購 Picasa 的 Google 免費提供)。文中提到了兩套軟體都具備不錯的功能,且新版本皆有顯著的升級表現。但 Walt 認為 iPhoto 是兩套之中較好的,主要的原因是使用者完全無須懂得電腦的檔案/檔案夾系統,便可運用 iPhoto 5 來處理相片檔。對此兩套軟體有興趣的朋友,可以前往閱讀!

Both programs are packed with good features and have been significantly upgraded in their new versions. But iPhoto is the better of the two -- mainly because, unlike Picasa and most other competitors, it totally frees users from understanding the computer's file-and-folder system. With iPhoto you can organize your photos in any way you choose, regardless of where the underlying picture files are stored on the computer. This makes iPhoto much easier to use than Picasa, or any other photo organizing program I have tested.
延伸連結:The Best Photo Organizers by WALTER S. MOSSBERG


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DATE: 04/02/2005 12:21 AM
我有點搞不懂picasa跟google的關係picasa是不是google出的一套for PC的免費軟體用來管理相片的??如果iphoto 05 vs picasa 2是佔優勢的那iphoto 04呢?我正在考慮要不要升級iLife 05...
DATE: 04/02/2005 1:05 PM
Picasa 之前被 Google 收購了,Flickr 之前被 Yahoo 收購了:兩個要打對台了∼∼呵呵我覺得使用評比有些主觀因素,還是有些人抱怨 iPhoto 5 慢呀!不過在 Mac 上,用了這麼久,還是得習慣自家的 iPhoto 吧!加上與 Flickr 提供的上傳工具整合,其實還不錯!能升級還是升級吧!:-)

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