Google 向你討影片

Google 今天宣佈了 "Google 影片上傳計畫 (Google Video Upload Program)。如果你想讓你的影片與更多使用者分享、或讓他們觀賞,你可以免費將你的影片上傳到 Google,最後你的影片將會納入 Google Video 中,供使用者搜尋、預覽、播放、甚至購買。你可以上傳任何長度和大小的影片,你僅需要登記一個帳號 (如果你已經有使用 Gmail 帳號就無須登記了,直接使用即可),就可免費開始上傳影片!
We're accepting digital video files of any length and size. Simply sign up for an account and upload your videos using our Video Uploader (please be sure you own the rights to the works you upload), and, pending our approval process and the launch of this new service, we'll include your video in Google Video, where users will be able to search, preview, purchase and play it.
延伸連結 1:Google Video Upload Program
延伸連結 2:Video Upload Program FAQ
現在用Mac也可以順利上傳嘍! :)Macworld 新聞
Posted by: ClarK on January 27, 2006 2:29 PM