搭配 Safari 的即時辭典
LiveDictionary 是 Safari 的延伸外掛程式,讓您在使用瀏覽器的同時,可以隨查他國的字詞,類似所謂的即時辭典/即時翻譯的功能。安裝完所選的辭典後,使用時僅需要將滑鼠移動到單字上,即會自動顯示該字的翻譯或辭典,官方網頁還提供其他語文的辭典和專業辭典(如計算機辭典)下載。最近隨著 Mac OS X 升級至 10.3.9、而 Safari 升級至 1.3 版,因此 LiveDictionary 亦推出 1.1.4 的版本以支援 Safari 1.3。
此外,蘋果人的小峰在其討論區也撰寫了一篇圖文豐富的使用教學及介紹,如果設定上有問題、或想更了解 LiveDictionary 的朋友,可以參考看看!
延伸連結:LiveDictionary: instant reference
Posted by: Anonymous on January 27, 2006 2:29 PM
我有找到呀!你參考看看吧:Uninstalling LiveDictionaryOf course we hope you won't want to uninstall LiveDictionary, but if it should become necessary, you may uninstall LiveDictionary using the Uninstall LiveDictionary... menu item in the LiveDictionary Configuration menu in LiveDictionary's preferences. If LiveDictionary is installed for all users, uninstalling it will require an administrator password. Uninstalling will remove the LiveDictionary input manager, the system-wide LiveDictionary data directory (if LiveDictionary was installed system-wide), and your user's LiveDictionary data directory. Other users' LiveDictionary data directories will not be affected.
Posted by: Jack on January 27, 2006 2:29 PM