
每套 Mac 的應用程式通常都會有一個 "輔助說明" 檔案,有點像是 built-in 的指南和使用說明,對使用這些軟體是個蠻方便的輔助!
不過,不知怎麼地,有些使用者會突然發現他系統內的輔助說明(Help View)無法使用,但輔助說明無法作用的原因可能有很多,可能是啟動輔助說明時程式即結束、有可能會突然結束、有可能開啟了但說明視窗是空白的、有可能顯示內容相當緩慢、沒有搜尋欄位、輔助說明內的連結無作用...等等。在 The X Lab 的網頁上提供了這些情形的可能處理方法,如果有碰到輔助說明有問題的使用者,可以參考一下,看看是否能解決您的問題。內容包含:
Help Viewer quits on launch.
Help Viewer quits unexpectedly under Panther.
Help Viewer displays a blank window.
Help Viewer displays Jaguar Help instead of Panther™ Help.
Help for an application is not displayed if Help Viewer is already displaying Help for another application.
Help Viewer is slow to launch or display Help under Panther.
Help Viewer is slow to launch or when searching under Jaguar.
Help Viewer links do not work.
Help Viewer does not display a search field.
Help Viewer does not list Help for a specific application.
Reinstalling Help Viewer.
延伸連結 1:Troubleshooting Help Viewer
延伸連結 2:Mac 輔助說明無法使用 (apple)
Posted by: JuSofie | January 27, 2006 02:29 PM
This post has been removed by the author.
Posted by: Jack | January 27, 2006 02:29 PM
做啥重裝 osx 呢?在 mac 上要重裝的機率微乎其微,中毒不太可能呀、像我這樣用這麼多各類各樣的軟體、進行軟體本地化測試等等,也無須重裝...嗯嗯,mac osx 是個很勇狀的系統 :-)
Posted by: Jack | January 27, 2006 02:29 PM